Numerous illegals very close to being stuck by passing vehicles, as they attempt to shut down a highway in Houston, Texas.
Illegals are now protesting at a federal building in downtown Los Angeles, reminiscent of when antifa would protest outside the federal building in Portland, eventually using extreme violence.
"Blacks and Mexicans are getting denied, and we're gonna take over all this shit. Fuck white people. Fuck Donald Trump!"
-Illegal alien protesting outside federal building in Los Angeles
Unlawful assembly declared by LAPD, as illegals continue to block street and refuse to move.
These various protests in Los Angeles are very close to descending into violent mayhem. Certainly possible this situation eventually becomes a situation necessitating invoking the Insurrection Act.
Illegals attempting to shut down Los Angel freeway again; one person just struck by vehicle.
"Fuck the American Flag"
-Illegal alien protesting in Los Angeles
LAPD threatening the use of non-lethal on illegals blocking street, ordering them to move on.