Sounds like bullshit
>(There were Nazi and Vatican bakers/admins that were removed tonight)
That's nice, whom?
Sounds like more bullshit
When you get cuffed, this is why:
Pretending to be a federal agent is a federal crime in the United States, punishable under 18 U.S.C. § 912.
It is a crime to falsely represent oneself as a federal agent or employee with the intent to intimidate or deceive another person.
This offense carries a maximum penalty of three years in prison and a fine.
Additionally, state laws may also prohibit impersonating a law enforcement officer.
It is important to note that it is illegal to impersonate a federal agent, regardless of whether the person being impersonated is real or fictional.
How Does the U.S. Government Define Impersonating a Federal Agent?
Impersonating a federal officer is defined as falsely representing oneself as a federal agent or employee with the intent to intimidate or deceive another person.
This can include wearing or displaying a badge or other insignia of a federal agency, as well as using language or other means to make it appear that one is a federal agent or employee. The intent to intimidate or deceive is a key element of this crime and must be present for an individual to be found guilty of impersonating a federal officer.
Additionally, depending on the specific circumstances and the jurisdiction, it could be considered a crime of deception and fraud, where even if the person didn’t intend to get any financial gain, it’s still considered a crime.