Yes, there is a solution. These people are mentally sick, addicted, demoralized and down and out. They need to be institutionalized and helped. Sheriff Joe Arpio built a tent city and put all of the criminals in it. This could be done with these people while providing psychological help.
Don't know the percentage that would make it but the ones that don't will inevitably commit crimes so then they can be put in jail and forced out of their hole.
This is obviously in a democrat run city and they are A OKAY with this. [They] all claim to want to help the indigent and allocate hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to do so but somehow that money never makes it to where it should go. This is the shell game. Democrat NGO's, party supported groups who get this money, take some for themselves and kick back some to those who got it for them. SOme of the money may go for optic bullshit. Those are the motherfuckers that need to be in prison.