Does God want people to be obedient, or do what's right because it's what's right?
You can have your obedient slave, I'd rather have a partner.
Does God want people to be obedient, or do what's right because it's what's right?
You can have your obedient slave, I'd rather have a partner.
No obedient is not Gods will. Gods will is we learn and do what's right because it's right, not because we obey. God doesn't want mindless slaves. Does a good Father want their children to go out and learn, or lock them in a box and force them to obey?
There's a reason Jesus rebuked Peter when Jesus said what must happen and Peter thought it must never happen. It wasn't that he wasn't obeying, it was he didn't understand why it must happen.
>they get paid for it
You can't serve both God and money. I'd much rather do what's right and not get paid.
Read the Q posts.
So this is the part where they find out they don't actually have that authority as a judge huh?
It's also not a coincidence Hitler paved the way.
Oh no not PBS and NPR whatever will people do?
When you join the military they own your ass, it's why I say people sell themselves when they join. They like to say it's just a job, but you can walk away from a job at any point.
I know who gets it first.
Government is just people, the problem isn't necessarily government as it is a necessary evil. The problem is people put themselves first, and many in government worship government so the "image" of government is FAR more important to them than Truth and Transparency.
>The U.S. Constitution stands, Sir!
It does? You sure? Gun control is gone? Civil asset forfeiture?
Bingo. Freedom in this country is a giant illusion. Our God given constitutionally protected rights many died for are violated daily by those entrusted with upholding them.
"No sign will be given, except the sign of the prophet Jonah"
So uh, why is Jesus in a fish?