I want to say something here that has been on my mind for a very long time. When you think about it, if 100 more people come into our country, those same people will need to buy a car and drive, need a dentist, buy clothes, get hair cuts, pay for housing, need insurance, etc… It is the law of equalization, so there should be no more or less work in a thriving economy, so what happened, what was really going on? There was an explicit attempt to undermine US Citizens in lieu of hiring foreigners to keep cabal businesses running while censoring and blacklisting US citizens and diminishing the white race, conservatives, Christians, and Patriots; I am sure of. These cabal businesses no longer needed competition as they already owned or controlled most businesses from Wall street to Main street and their final ploy was to starve us out by a financially isolating us. Not only did they do away with the merit system but even made a concerted effort to hire unqualified DEI personnel just as long as the white man does not work. Their attitude was like the telecoms, we do not care if we lose customers because you will just go to another cabal controlled organization and as we lose customers, so will they, and they will become our new customer; I actually dealt with that attitude at Verizon and AT&T.
Do foreigners work harder, smarter, faster, and are more productive? Not really, it wasn't about competition but control. Once the WCCP were genocide then there would be just about zero future competition and the foreigners would be much easier to control. Plus they can additionally get away with abusing their foreign employees by holding back pay, threatening them with deportation, and try to require more work at the same rate but in reality that rarely happens because there is a concerted agenda at large. We need to hold these people accountable, and just like I stated at Jimmy Carter's funeral, that that priestess was lecturing Trump on deportation not because they truly care about them but because it is how they are making their fortune and now we see that she was being paid $53 million in one year to do just that.