That's probably because the competent ones got tired of being shit on by the corrupt mofos and were replaced by incompetent, but dogmatically pure, socialist boot licking lackeys.
Tears for fears.
Yo shills. KYS.
Maybe they should start with (you) then. How 'bout dat?
Tough shit for them then I guess if true. Traitors crying? Fuck that. Put on this necktie.
No they aren't. Treason is not a religion. Treason is treason whatever you profess to believe.
Yeah, Rosenbaums or something I think. Supposed to have gotten nuke info I think. No, the shill is here to shill.
Yeah that's it.
Stupid hypothetical. Go back to the corner and lick your anus.
Bwahahahahahahaha!!! Stop eating that peyote.
You certainly think about Jews a lot. Got a crush?
Putin is a big boy, he knows how the game is played. You obviously don't.
I think at this point, Ukraine is gonna have to be happy with whatever Trump and Putin decide. Ukraine fucked around, now they get to find out.