Not one Chemtrail today.
All Roman Catholics will be sent to Keebeck as they have been mass murdering non Roman Catholics with Vaccines for 60 years.
Jesuit Jason Kenney has doubled the Power bills for Albertans since joining the ATCO Power Board of Directors and is funding the Roman Catholic NGO's.
Every Alberta Business is getting a APEX door guard, this is Asian Police for European eXtermination.
Alberta Insurance Companies have all been taken over by Roman Catholics and are funneling funds to Roman Catholic NGO's.
The Roman Catholic Cabal will bleed all the nations dry to try and fund their subversive ways.
(You) can’t stop me. NCSWIC
(You) can’t stop me. NCSWIC
(You) can’t stop me. NCSWIC
(You) can’t stop me. NCSWIC
(You) can’t stop me. NCSWIC
(You) can’t stop me. NCSWIC
(You) can’t stop me. NCSWIC
Took down Yahoo comments years ago like this.
Imported by John Deer Dealer Chris Warkentin and used for fake bust to give Crooked RCMP Credit.