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Buy Shoulder-Lok now
it will stop you from making embarrassing Nazi salutes
Ask your doctor if Shoulder-Lok is right for you and about potential side-effects.
There is no SITE MODERATION, you are free to create your own board without moderating anything and then shitpost all day.
That's BOARD MODERATION, not Jim's moderation, you retarded lying prick fuck.
Yes, SITE WIDE ADMINS/GV (Jim's people) only take care of illegal content, you retarded fuck.
You can create your own board and delete all posts that you don't like. That's on you.
>site-wide policy, delete covid "misinformation"
>no site-wide policy, site admins only delete content that actually violates laws
You are free to create your own board, let's call it /hivemind/ and delete all non-gay images.
Board Owner == the boss of this specific board, who can put whatever rules in place, it's not site wide policy
Are you pretending to be retarded?