Hes also deep state as Q confirmed, also that NK got their missile tech from SpaceX. Also Q mentioned a whole bunch of initials like his along with Zuck and Dorsey etc. Then said they would force EM to purchase Twitter years before it happened because Elon was a puppet dancing on a string. Also Q mentioned the "Nuclear ufo from North korea" bullshit was put out to distract from the drops. So yeah, Q confirmed in every possible way that EM is a deep state puppet that was forced to play the game to save his own hide. Make no mistake, if Trump didn't win then EM would still be doing all his old deep state shit with his deep state buddies. Don't forget the Obama administration set him up as the poster boy for funneling government money. If you think Elon is Anon or a hero, or anything other than a deep state shill being forced to play the game, you need to lurk moar.
I think I'll devote this day to God
God bless you all
Especially (You)
You're right.
It's just squeaky talking to himself again, calling everyone an imitating mimic
Over and over again
You're welcome
God bless you, I love you, fren
The real Chewbacca SP
Anon habs some 30.5% Titanimal indica
Anon shall partake right nao, great way to start the day. With a clear head
Anon hasn't touched a cig in well over 6 years and even then it was super rare if a buddy gave me one while having a few beers. Will never touch one again. Scouts honor.
>worth every inch
The merchants seem to stop when the famefag shills start defending their board image
Things that make you go hmm