ITS HAPPENING, but (((they))) are trying so hard to kick off world war 3 so our attention shifts from this, this child sacrifice/moloch worshipping/pedogate will be known as the only real holocaust, the holocaust of children, if we are around long enough, im not concerning but the scales are gone and anyone with eyes wide open should see where this is heading, i dont think they will go down without a fight on this one, its the very core of what they are about, it feeds their real power structure of pure evil on this earth. hold the line lads, pray.
am i the only one who thinks dan harmon looks like steve paddocks comped brother?
its all over /pol on halfchan not linking so we dont get traffick
they're busy on halfchan its going down over there right now, they are in major damage control mode, enjoy it while it lasts
hello cia kitty
says the only jidf shill in the room, not gonna divide us faggot, dont you have a twitter to clean of child porn, or are you the first one done? better double check.
is that kittens shopped from the cia one on the car hood or just looks like it
that cell phone threat was shopped though, but just enough to give plausible deniability, re:
YOU ARE FUCKING WITH OUR (((molesting/raping/eating children))) LIVELY HOODS, they are in such an echo chamber of bullshit they are justifying it as their livelyhood
this is a command and control post, notice how we got jidf, black, then gore after this
they fucked up on this one, wrong text with pictures, im gonna get into the millstone necklace business
its gotten real bad, a lot of so called anons and bakers have been robots
or its unknowingly triggering it ive been called a shill before soโฆ.
IVE GOT MY EYE ON YOU, gonna grab a season of something before the lights go off bbiab
many of us have it, i rebooted yesterday and grub couldnt find /boot, then on next reboot it did a bios/uefi flash, luckily i have all that shit backed up so i reflashed, reinstalled, lost 500gb but the only way they getting the unplgged drives is with emp
how close to original source of video are you?
ufos - real, burgeoning, not going away
gotta make sure everything ready for false rapture/messiah. wonder if thats one of our reversed engeineered vehichles or an original
by close to original source i mean, do you have any idea the chain of custody on that video so to speak or did you just find it on youtube, its legit sauce just wondering if person knew it would be there when filming
they were published werent they? i saw them in bread a day or so ago but didnt get a chance to read before hard rrive mysteriously shit
you posted the thumbnail, on the OP its shopped, like i said, a veiled threat, bc its deniable in long run due to shop, why are we arguing about this? not everything happens here, people dont alway sknow to come here to drop shit, they go to /pol and before that /b, was just explaining why it was so quiet earlier, i cant believe im defending myself in my own home, some of you need to realize you're thinking the same way you did before, you havent learned anything posting wake up anons unironically how are you gonna make it if its going to be so bad that even the elect will be deceived if the time is not cut short
means op was following a paytriot kekekekek
better donate to that patreon to get them back on their feet
we need typewriters and a cloud of cigarette smoke above us and a beeping telegram thingy
concerned secretaries, beautiful but dumb, to remind us what were fighting for, everytime they get worried we give them a big smooch and say stand aside, ive got mans work to do. pidgeons are with tesla out back
you're gonna fall for the JIDF befriending /pol shit thats going on at the neighbors house right now, i got news for you we're pretty much all lost tribes of isreael aka israelites, esp if you came from europe, but everyone here knows we're up against synagogue of satan, we just call em jews because we cant always say kike
inb4 selfhatingjew
i think its a decent graphic done in a hurry probably, shows his talent, but the filter thing is a way to get you to filter someone who you think is a shill but may post relevant info later, i know were sliding but its shift change, i need to start using sage but i have a hard time making it work here
heres your chance, the gore reply is the actual JIDF (its a real thing look it up before you make another post here) the other reply is organic anon, i can spot it a mile away, stop posting until you can
the whole class is gonna have to wait for you to learn something that was on your homework months ago
thanks europa
>>22 50 830
says to unify and fuck off in same breath
thought i was saving boomer from getting a reeducation in a more secure environment, guess reall shill, if not, still brainwashed
all filtering and banning does is make you miss relevant bread from the next person using the ip its shill tactic of ifyou cant beat em, blind em
over the target lad, keep firing
>>225 0857
you dropped this
im not bumping, AM I THE OLDEST ONE HERE, smh
worked thanks, you have to leave it in and click no bump where on halfchan its just put sage in email
post count doesnt count towards bread, theres infinite bread faggot, think about it
was it rosenstein or schiff who ran to canada for extended weekend in panic? this makes sense
wants to defeat satan - prays to mary/semiramus/ishtar
were surrounded lads, good thing they're not a threat
betcha this is optics and its done, bet brennan isnt even in us to avoid capture
kek she just got a new one ripped and a colostomy bag installed
there was a pic of him in in an elevator explainin g away why he was staying extra days too afraid to come back across the border
anyone who doesnt have a pretty good idea of who q is by now or isnt aware of 16th century italy namesake isnt doing their homework and is missing things, you wouldnt believe the amount of steganography everyones missed, nobody wants to take the time to educate themselves to look at it they just see a word they dont know and go full ostrich, everything i post related gets shouted down and overlooked. its where the real juicy shit is, the hussein pic and the THE VIDEO which is called g0d is baal its a sanguine unholy communion
yeah my postcount is high, but im frustrated with laziness, shills, and ignorance
usps probably delivering deadkid happy meals
think silk road case, warrant neeeded to open us mail, thats why usps is used and not fedex because its federal mail and protected
dont need normy consumption right now, need autist brains but i appreciate your thoughtful advice
40000ft ws re debrogile photon quantum behavior btw. this is exactly what i mean
i got two breads on catalog, look at wl insurance
and dont let this slide with graphic of guy firing anti flak with explosions in background
im not just crowing here mate, and you dont know enough about stereo image steganography. this is exactly what im talking about
images related
baker notable
means i know how to sage and have been around longer than you
depending on rgb least significant bit order its 1 in amillion that lines up, first red circle is key indicator, second red circle is truecrypt virtual drive, red rabit is one step away from being solved its to show the process
the hex bytes are in think mirror form, a lot of work, you are total bullshit and this is the typical response i get
strings also say things like NY&LV&l0nd0n theres comms if you do q's tetris T pattern pass the exam graphic catalog front
the shadow over the lamp in a stereo seperation slides over his head and becomes a mad hatters hat, the white blob at right edge of picture becomes white rabbit, similiar to red rabit posted prev. the rabbits are in all of these including wl404 image but that one has to be cut vertically and each half flippd stitched then stereo seperated
your hex is dogshit because you arent removing MSB or LSB and sorting by row or column or rgb order