>>2250892 Black penis size is a hilarious myth. But the group IQ scores are real.
Planefag coming on shift. Airspace over EU is very crowded, apparently with a NATO exercise scheduled for July 17-26.
"RS TE III (Resolute Support Training Event III) 18 (NATO)
To train the incoming CSE of the HQ RSM and prepare them for
operations in Afghanistan. The 4 blocks of training include: Mission
Specific Training (MST), Functional Systems Training (FST) and
Functional Area Training (FAT), Battle Staff Training (BST) and Two-
Tier Mission Rehearsal Exercise (MRE)."
No 2-xxxx planes seen currently.
R7, over.
I really hesitate to reply to somebod with a (47) postcount but I will.
If you have decoded steganographic messages within images, you should share you decodes with anons and not just yell at them to look for steganographpy. To decode a stego message generally one needs to determine what password was used to encrypt it. Unless there are external clues, this is a matter of brute-force trial and error. If you have done this and actually found intelligible messages that make sense, you should share them with anons. Just yelling does not help anybody.
Sorry, this is total bullshit.
I can take any random image capture and display it as binary (hex) content and some of the hex values can be interpreted as text. Anon has crypto background and is not fooled by this tomfoolery.