Good morning, Anons.
Daybaker here.
Cheers to you magnificent bastards lurking and working.
Operating on standby and getting some work done; can bake in a couple of hours as needed.
Keep up the excellent work.
I hope you all have a great day.
Good morning, Anons.
Daybaker here.
Cheers to you magnificent bastards lurking and working.
Operating on standby and getting some work done; can bake in a couple of hours as needed.
Keep up the excellent work.
I hope you all have a great day.
Good morning to you as well, ClamBaker.
Seconding the motion for aspiring Bakers to step up, if they are interested in contributing or improving.
Sound off in the next bread if you feel like handing off; will defer to new and aspiring bakers first.
Will keep comments on the "Q posts falling off the catalog" drama to myself.
If you insist.
Old posts falling off of boards happens.
We've seen Q's posts fall off since the beginning of last week, if not earlier, so this shouldn't have come as a shock, at least not to those paying attention.
Moreover, all the posts have been archived six ways to Sunday, to the point where even a less-than-savvy numpty could still find them.
Lurking yesterday, I'd thought the board's IQ had dropped a good 50%.
<but muh bakers/BV deleting Q
<but muh catalog
<but muh where's Q
<wahhh why isn't this in the dough
Shills and retards indistinguishable.
It is true that Q hasn't posted in a while and, like all of his past posts, his material has fallen of the board catalog.
If you don't fully understand board mechanics, ask before sperging out and claiming the whole operation is blowing up. It's embarrassing, but it's better to ask and know than to sperg out at best and outright shill at worst.
You should already have Q posts in a personal archive/resource somewhere. If you didn't already have a copy of the Q Map, in whatever form you like, shame on you.
Q's absence on the boards suggests finer operations are at work that may be undermined/reacted upon by Q's presence on the board. Q has hinted before that actions/postings here produce cabalist reactions. Should that be the case, it would be in everyone's best interests to minimize enemy reactionism that might disrupt or distract from a more delicate plan or important happening.
Get comfy. I'll bake a pie this afternoon, if it makes folks feel better. We're in a three-month stretch to the midterms, the last thing folks want to do now is freak out over a non-issue that can resolved in the next second.
I'll say no more about it, unless asked politely as you have, ClamBaker.
Back to work in the meantime.
Thank you for the clarification and for your expertise in this matter.
Interesting problem.
ClamBaker, I would nominate this as a
Global Notable
until the situation is resolved.