This exactly. Not only that the depravity found among the people of israel is reflected tenfold in the people around the world. The meaning of Israel is light onto the world, or darkness depending where they are holding.
I will try to explain something that has been paining me.
There is a lot of jewish hate, it is misplaced and not understood.
When israel does the right thing the world prospers, because so many have fallen into sodom and gemorah, the rest of the world feels hate, that hate is also their punishment - from god.
It is up to jews to righten thwir course, and then the world will follow, not because they are superior but because that is their role in the world, i dont know if i made sense, dont really care.
I am a jew who loves being a jew and is proud and am trying to figure out why there is so much vitriol, and what i stated above kind of explains it.
In other words the jews are to blame, i agree but not for the reasons the haters say, they have to right themselves and their relationship with god.