TYB! Kek. I know everyone always gives you milkies, but I was doing cloth simulations, so I offer up a barbarian fag. o7
>The deep state is far preferable to the Trump state.
Melonie is missing two ginormous details…..
>She's been banged at least a thousand times.
Kek. Scuttlebutt is, her last boyfriend was a non-Believer™ and she gave it up, so she's jaded and bitter about it now, so she will only put out when married.
>kill the fed reserve now
Don't kill it, until we prove they were devaluing the dollar, through printer go brrr, intentionally. Once we get that, we can repeal the act, end our relationship with this (((private bank))) and then stick them with our (((debt))).
>Zuckerberg launched Facebook from his Harvard University dormitory room on February 4, 2004.
Kek. Jews and their coincidences™…..
>Madeline Albright
>which rinos are in their final 2 years?
Don't forget this reptilian faggot. Cotton should be up as well.
Oh, this faggot too.
Kek. I see you and I raise.
Oy vey!
Kek. I made this….. 2 years ago?
>should we gas the jews?
Nah…. pretty soon the black hats won't be able to walk down the street.