These Are The Top USAID Recipients—From Religious Groups To Major U.S. Companies—As Trump Targets Agency
Top Ngo Usaid Recipients (fiscal Years 2013-2022)
Catholic Relief Services: $4.6 billion (nonprofit)
Chemonics International: $4.5 billion (for-profit)
FHI 360: $3.8 billion (nonprofit)
Development Alternatives, Inc.: $3 billion (for-profit)
ABT Associates, Inc.: $2.6 billion (for-profit)
RTI International: $2.3 billion (research institute)
John Snow International: $1.8 billion (nonprofit)
Save the Children Federation, Inc.: $1.5 billion (nonprofit)
ARD, Inc.: $1.5 billion (nonprofit)
Jhpiego Corporation: $1.3 billion (nonprofit)
Deloitte: $1.2 billion (for-profit)
World Vision: $1.2 billion (nonprofit)
Mercy Corps: $1.1 billion (nonprofit)
ADCI/VOCA: $1.1 billion (nonprofit)
Population Services International: $1.1 billion (nonprofit)