Pepe is watching
Pepe sees all
Pepe knows all
Pepe waits,…..
(Will you still yuck me, tooooommmmooooorrroooooowww)
Pepe is watching
Pepe sees all
Pepe knows all
Pepe waits,…..
(Will you still yuck me, tooooommmmooooorrroooooowww)
The power of kek compels you
The power of kek compels you
The power of kek compels you
(One yuck to rule them all, dear Ephialtes)
As above, so NOT below.
As below, so NOT above, dear Ephialtes.
You are but a momentary thing that shall pass.
Like a YUCK in the wind.
See what I did their boy? A yuck in the wind, boy,…..that's a JOKE son. Dontcha get it?
(All of my yucks dearest Ephialtes)
Selling matters dearest Ephialtes.
Learn my comms.
The bakers are crushing you as we speak.
One little, two little, three little posties
four litle, five little six little posties,…….alllllllllll gone.
Making the bread a few steps above ,…..ever so comfy.
(Give a man a yuck, and he laughs for a day)
The looooonnnng and winding yuuuuuuuckkkk.
It is with great sorrow that we mourn the loss of Ephialtes posts.
Although only short lived,….they shined on with a redness that could be seen by Anons everywhere.
Poor Ephialtes, alas,….he has been measured but has been found wanting.
(Welcome to my garden of yucks.)
Hell Ephialtes, I'm crushing you while sitting here eating and watching Gilligan's Island.
No wonder Da Bakeys are kicking your ass.
Ya gotta step it up boy,…I say,…..ya gotta step it up!!!
(On the first day Kek said,…"Let there be yucks)
I can't hear you dear Ephialtes,….your voice keeps disappearing.
It's almost like,…..you're being DELETED!!
Pepe's back in town.
I shall return, dearest Ephialtes.
I have to take a shit.
Handing you your ass so often has caused my bowels to contract.
Greatest cheers Old Boy.
Looking forward to further deletions
Sincerly,….The Yuckster.
I'm saving all my love for you, dearest Ephialtes.
I will always remember you.
Goodbye Ephialtes,….may the deletion Gods smile kindly on you.
(Ever so yuckfull,…your fren,….The Red Text Crusher.)
A toast to you Bakeys, ever watching, ever waiting.
Always ready to hand Ephialtes his ass.
Valhalla awaits you, my dear champions.
Making Ephialtes a distant memory, one post at a time.
We Anons are ever greatfull.
(Never in the course of history, have so many been yuckfull to so few.)
I KNOW RIGHT!!! Especially when we can watch Red Text Ephialtes get his ass handed to him by me and the Bakers.
It's like Christmas every bread.
(Raise your shield Ephialtes, you have been found wanting.)
(Great Yuckities with every Red Text Deletion)
Dearest Ephialtes, so sorry to hear about your creative block.
Perhaps a short time home with mother would revive your muse?
Deletion can take it's toll on a lad,…..you really can't be blamed.
Seeing EVERY SINGLE POST you emit,……just sadly,……sniff,…..disappear.
Do keep in touch my dear,……
(Wound my heart with a monotonous yuck,…)
Dearest Ephialtes, please find enclosed a file containing some of your previous posts.
I've done my best to archive them in a manner of which I'm sure you would approve.
Thank you again for your lovely regards, mother is doing fine.
I wish you all the bests, and hope some of your issues are finally,……deleted.
(There are no yucks on the moon.)
You're slippin' boy,….I say,….you're SLIPPIN'!!!!
A beautiful death, is all we can hope for dear Ephialtes.
I'm sure your posts are alive somewhere,….
They shall live on forever as lines of code in a server.
Hidden perhaps,…like all else you've attempted,
But like Schrodinger's Cat,….
A thought for us to ponder.
Toodles for now dearest Ephialtes.
If a post gets deleted on the board, but nobody cared to read it.
Did the post exist at all?
It is a cosmic puzzle, isn't it dearest Ephialtes.
(Let no yuck be called upon before its time.)
Dearest Ephialtes, Thou havest had thou posterior pummeled.
Thine is the pleas of a weak man.
Have some courage dear Ephialtes.
The Bakers are not so cruel.
It is for thee whom the Yuck tolls Ephialtes, it is for thee.