Anonymous ID: 34e656 Feb. 4, 2025, 5:04 p.m. No.22510321   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0343 >>0350 >>0356


Still doesn’t make sense


Remember what happened when they cleaned up the tunnels up the mountain in Carolina

Did we uproot “we the people”

Clean it up but why the uprooting

What does the military know that we don’t??

People are willing to stay even if their homes are ruined

My question why we need to move the people out!!!

As a Palestinian we know once you leave there is no coming back, that’s been the case for the bast 70 years

Anon family lost 120 acres and believe me I’m not about war or fighting but enough is enough

Anonymous ID: 34e656 Feb. 4, 2025, 5:11 p.m. No.22510378   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0394 >>0441 >>0445


Somehow anon wants the exposure of all of the filth but uprooting

Any anon put yourself in any Gazan or Palestinian and explain how is is peaceful!!!!

Especially after our history in the Middle East

And how you gonna assure the safety of our troops

For the natives they see the west keep showing up in their backyard bombing and attacking!!!

I’d rather see our troops on US soil defending our borders and helping with any emergencies on IS soil

Anon has cousins in army and no I don’t want them in harm way

Anon can’t make it make sense

Anon thinks God is our only hope at this moment

Anonymous ID: 34e656 Feb. 4, 2025, 5:21 p.m. No.22510478   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I know there is tunnels, human and organ trafficking running from Saudia to Gaza

But there must be something else there

To ask people to leave like this and POTUS said and repeated there is no other way

Anon thinks there is some giants or something biblical under the ground