Well hell yeah! Why is this an issue?!
BullSCHITT! There are no "homeless" people unless you consider the people of western NC! The street dopes who liberals call "homeless" are methheads who don't want a home and don't want to follow any rules hence they live on the streets..and burn SCHITT all the damn time because they are on meth!
Sorry anon but most of us don't like your AI pepes. Just not the same.
you are nasty!
Somebody draw a red circle around that old black race baiter on the left please.
They don't have the money or the vision.
keek! TY anon
>Explain it like I'm 5 years old
It's tme for a bath! Get in the tub and take your bath..the water's warm, it's nice, you'll feel better after a bath..don't argue with me, you stink, your hair is a matted mess..your friends and family want you to take a bath too..you can have bubbles if you take a bath..wash your neck and brush your teeth..see it's really easy when you think about it.
that sounds kindee third world ish
I don't have a red pen anon