need lb notes, baker for current
>no trips, no Q
Q can post with tripcode here or one own board.
He did post twice in 2022, can post in 2025.
need more info.
ICE has a pretty good idea of who they are collecting
Also has a pretty good idea of how big the facilities are
Something doesn't add up.
if there WAS a screwup, they will soon find a way to remedy.
>Bibi has surrendered the Gaza strip to Muricah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't know whether it's a surrender or negotiation BUT: sounds like a VERY good thing
1 - changes the dynamic there, which badly needs changing
2 - gives US a base in the middle east
3 - potentially a neutral place for middle east countries to meet
>Democrats try to stop Trump's USAID closure
like a 10 yr old trying to resinstate his allowance after bad behavior
there was a discussion on this re USAID as the SKELETON ("SKELTON") KEY for agency corruptio. Quite 'dasting in light of Q's pointing at a KEYSTONE years ago (one that anons guessed at but was never confirmed).
Don't mean a military base but US territory owned and controlled by us.
Maybe it depends on the builder, kek.