Deep State Is Completely Fucked
Mitch, you evil pedo scum
She was just a toddler.
Your niece, you evil bastard.
Women can't stand you.
So you took that out on her.
Fuck you!
>I had a twisted idea of what was going to happen and who to hate so now I'm fucked
Beautiful Days Ahead
You're in for a huge reality check.
Gee, how did that happen.
Slush Funds Were Cut Off
Lazy Worthless Fucks Were Sent Packing
Deep State Is Completely Fucked
AshkeNazis are not Jews.
They call themselves Jews.
But they are liars.
They are Satanists.
Satan is the father of lies.
No More Slush Fund
No More Child Trafficking
Deep State Is Fucked
Rope Day Will Be Glorious