Ever notice it looks like a sword blade no matter where you stand to look at it?
To me it says the have the freedom to fly the Mexican flag.
You know a lot of people will swear up and down they love freedom, they even think they do, but they hate freedom with a passion. What they want is a dictator that likes and dislikes all the same things as them. If they agree, everyone should be "free" to do it. If they don't agree, it should be illegal, but even if it's not you're still wrong and stupid because they said so.
This is supposed to be the Land of the Free, yet so many bitch about the freedom others exercise. As far as I can see, a lot of people that weren't born in this country are FAR better examples of freedom loving Americans than a lot of Americans.
So a fat vampire can't even see it in a mirror huh?
Their rights don't give a shit about whether you think they should or not.
>So when will you be flying that Nazi flag around a synagogue?
Why would I fly that piece of shit flag?