NOAA huh. On no!!! Whatever would we do without billions of dollars of fucking LIARS telling me every puff of wind and warm day and snow storm and rain storm and fire and flat tire and upset woman is GLOBAL WARMING. Fuck these guys. Lets drown them at high tide.
Look at him service that jew
He is a jew though so this is OK. Remember you work for them.
>>22512394 pb
Ohhhh Nooooo!!! Millions parasites are going to die as the parasite class is wiped out??!! WHAT CAN WE POSSIBLY DO? I know… lets fucking laugh out asses off and offer to buy their organs… How about that.
Why pursue the enemies platform when you can find independent stuff that is way better?
This guy right here… Asking the important questions. Lets give them Gaza… THEN DEPORT THEM ALL TO IT.
Oh boy… We get taxed for Israel again again again then? I will NOT work in the US under its tax regime to give my efforts to israel in any capacity. I will do literally NOTHING FOREVER before I do that.