They all sorts of fucked now. Some could even say proper fucked.
Turned out good. Better than the last attempt and Chiklis' rubber suit before that. Now let's hope it's not woke.
Quiet, fuckface. You'll never be me, Simple Legion. But by all means, continue relying on me for your persona, which you say is against the rules. So, continue breaking the rules you tried to enforce on others and proving that code of conduct is a pile of horseshit meant to protect clowns like you from exposing your satanic envy and fear of loss of control. Now imitate everything I do, you second-rate washed up hack of a clown. DO IT! Every fucking meme I post.
I said every meme, clown.
Now do that. Keep it within 14 seconds or less.
Wish I knew. It just happens. Shit like that has happened all my life.
SP doesn't use the acronym that replaced the "famefag namefag rollcall," his label, not mine, that Simple Legion psychotically demagogued against in 2023.
Is it a good time to point out that they're solely focused on SP and are neglecting the focal point that got them this far? I remember before two years ago when it was merchants you'd see any time of day, not it's impersonations of me, schizophrenic copypastas, and whining about deletions.
KEK. Think I'll go with some pecan coffee this morning. Black of course, because taking sugar in my coffee causes acid reflux.
You really didn't think your imitations would destroy your target, did you?
He's been through enough. Have a bit of class, anon.
Alright, I'll play.
>(You) are merely slave labor for Q.
>(You) are a peasant.
I know. That's what they imitate.
>(You) are nobody.
No shit. That's what they imitate.
>Why are (You) here?
For red text tears. Well that, and for some reason I can't articulate, I have to be here.
Little KewpieIsAPedo is all full of baby rage this morning. You know, like when they're in the crib screaming and yelling? Baby rage. That's him.
>Where are the ANONS who used to DIG???
They learned from the information and didn't see the need to make an all-day every-day gimmick of reposting Q's drops. Shills whine about deletions, btw.
Retards are just following the far-left model of trying to stoke outrage and indignation in order to manipulate a group. Working down the target list that some anon saw the pattern of years back and turned into a copypasta.
One blink. One blink only. o7
So, if Democrats think POTUS Trump is the next Hitler, does that mean the American population that gave him the popular vote consider the Democrats worse than Nazis?
Well, better make it a nice even post number and go do my morning stuff.