We interrupt this program to bring you a special news report:
A number of posts by Ephialtes has gone missing.
Please reference the supplied artist rendition.
A reward of 6,000,000 shekels is being presented for anyone who knows the whereabouts of these missing posts.
And now, a moment of silent prayer. Let us pray that these missing posts are returned to Mr. and Mrs. Ephialtes.
Let us ask our dear Kek, to grace us them with the safety of Kek's benefic safety.
let us pray that the young posts of Mr. and Mrs. Ephialtes haven't,……..(Sniff,….),……Kek forbid,……….been,…..(sniff-sniff),…………DELETED™!!!!!!
Bwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaa-hahahahahahahahahhah,….ho-ho,….hee-hee,….hoo-hoo,…..(and a hearty YUCK!!)