>all these NGO recipients actually never rendered 1/100th of the supposed services that they claim, it is their money for their families and cronies to live a life of luxury. I am always right.
How do I know this? This is where the big discovery started. When that Priestess at Jim Carter's funeral lectured Trump on deporting illegals, I asserted that she is not concerned with illegals but how they make their fortunes. I know this because when I applied locally for even meanly jobs locally at restaurants, I noticed a reoccurring pattern, all the people working in the back of the restaurant were all foreigners yet they would not hire white people. But there is more to this story. My wife knows a naturalized citizen at church who came from South America that told her, her whole naturalized family is moving back because they find it impossible to survive in America. I asserted this in past too, that these criminals bring in new illegals to replace the naturalized one right in the middle of their mortgages. Who gets all that equity in the house? The Banksters. The demise of America was all planned and these people have been pocketing all the money.