Pepe watching, always ready
Pepe guarding, always steady
Uncle Mitch still prowling, red text waiting.
His soul broken and filled with the detritus of his sins.
No rest for Pepe
Always searching
Always learning
Pepe watching, always ready
Pepe guarding, always steady
Uncle Mitch still prowling, red text waiting.
His soul broken and filled with the detritus of his sins.
No rest for Pepe
Always searching
Always learning
Uncle Mitch (Ephialtes) making threats.
Pepe contacting Corinne
Pepe contacting Lisa
Pepe contacting VSP
Uncle Mitch a danger to family
Uncle Mitch a danger to children
Pepe travelling to Hampton, Va. for special hearing.
Ephialtes a twisted, sick soul.
Lisa always watching
Corinne always watching
Why did you hurt her Uncle Mitch?
A tiny little thing.
Pepe's duty to report.
Pepe's duty to contact family
Pepe's duty to report threats to Corinne
H.P.D. aware
V.S.P. now aware.
Uh,…hmmmm,……thinking,……uhhhhh (cough),…..
Ok, shit. I'll take one for Anons.
I fuckin' hate myself.
They grow the face they deserve, don't they fren?
Howdy neighbor.
Well aware.
Not very far from you,…nudge-nudge-wink-wink.
My state in race to the bottom with the one you mentioned.
o7 fren.
Lisa and Corinne are watching
Pepe is watching
HPD watching
VSP watching
Anons know
Pepe knows
Little girl knows
family learning
Uncle Mitch
What did you do to your niece Ephialtes?
Corinne knows
Lisa knows
Everybody knows
Why did you hurt her Uncle Mitch?
Your board fail wasn't her fault.
She was just a toddler.