Did USAID being shut down affect the paid shills in here yet?
The 2025 USAID request from the Biden administration was a budget of $42.8 billion.
Q, since lifelog was created by DARPA, does Facebook belong to us now?
All your base are belong to us?
Prince Dopey?
Amazon too?
2 more weeks bro
Greetings, dear souls! If you had the panoramic view of your world that we do, you would see stunning eras in ancient history, activity worldwide at this very moment, and the spectacular glow of Earth’s Golden Age, the exhilarating world in the timeless continuum that in linear time your light is helping to manifest.
Our awareness of what the population is doing at various points in the continuum is the fulcrum of our calculations. To explain how we arrived at 35 to 40 years, I have to start by saying everything is energy, that energy is cosmic consciousness, and whatever happens anywhere affects everything else everywhere else. Nothing happens in isolation.
About nine decades ago the highest universal council’s process of eradicating darkness in this part of the universe reached Earth. A massive infusion of light let the planet start ascending out of deep third density and the liberation of its residents from dark control began.
They—YOU!—are inextricably connected with Earth’s subatomic functioning, which is aligned with activity in your solar system, on into your galaxy and everywhere beyond. Every soul and every happening on Earth is part of intricately-tuned astronomical frequencies that keep the universe in balance as countless souls in myriad worlds are evolving at a pace that’s comfortable for them and is in concert with the whole.
So, whatever timeline we would come up with had to be within universal parameters and Earth’s civilization had to advance at a pace so they wouldn’t miss this opportunity to ascend out of third density. Let me assure you, this opportunity will not be missed—remember, dear ones, we see the planet and its residents flourishing in Earth’s Golden Age!
Now, back to today. Once the ball is rolling steadily, we can assess how long people will take to reach specific stages of development. Putting what we see in the timeless continuum into your calendar years is difficult, especially because your linear time concept is collapsing and your sensation of time passing faster and faster will keep speeding up. However, during the two years since we came up with 35 to 40 years, our estimates have been on the mark with people’s increased consciousness.
Before the ball can even twitch though, the light forces have to eliminate the last shred of darkness in your world so the slate is clean, so to say, and reconstruction, rejuvenation, restoration and reconciliation can get underway in earnest. Nothing substantial can be accomplished while foes of change, commonly called Deep State, are causing suffering and chaos.
We see their ability to do that eroding. One way they have controlled the civilization has been with mind-boggling fortunes. Because they no longer have liquidity to pay multimillion-dollar bribes, greedy individuals are leaving the game, and control of the global economy, which was adding billions to their coffers, is slipping out of their hands.
They programmed the population to obey “authorities” and believe whatever is reported by major media. Their former airtight control of those areas also has seriously weakened. People no longer trust the “authorities” and they are in “the news” in ways they never thought could happen.
Information that Deep Staters are desperate to keep hidden, that benevolent helpful extraterrestrial civilizations are present, is starting to come out—they want the public to believe that if ETs exist, they’re monstrous creatures that invade and enslave.
The erosion of dark influence and the emergence of truths, which reflect the light’s progress not only on Earth but intergalactically, are important parts of our estimate.
In the big picture, the importance of the USA presidential election is that the light won. The darkness that has long been in control of that country and from there, much of the rest of the world, was defeated by the high vibrations of light within the populace. It remains to be seen where and how President Trump and his administration direct their energy, but what I can tell you is, only endeavors based in light can be successful.
As for doubles and AI clones pretending to be certain persons, that kind of tomfoolery comes from dark hearts and minds and is well known in this universe. There was no need to factor it into our timeline because its heyday will come to an abrupt end when ever-rising vibrations upset that stealthy apple cart.
The sudden popularity of transgenderism among youngsters and young adults also comes from darkness and it, too, is not unique to Earth. We can see the collective energy of that insidious indoctrination running out its course during the next few years as the number of interested individuals drops lower and lower.
“Climate change,” an item on Deep State’s extensive agenda for world domination, isn’t natural. Deep Staters use weather warfare technology to instigate ferocious storms, flooding, record-setting temperatures, wildfires, wind velocity, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, then claim the death and devastation is caused by the events they engineered and convinced folks it’s “a planetary crisis.”