>mind 911 was done by Israel via Fly by wire
The plan was to genocide WCCP because they are the only threat to the DS cabal. The Irish are red heads, the Jews have a narrative to kill the Red Heifer before their Messiah, Satan, can sit on his throne in their 3rd temple. Red is Irish and a Heifer is a baby female cow, in other words the seed of the white race must be destroyed first. There were no planes on 911 but a 3D Hologram was used which is why some people saw a plane but others at other angles couldn't. When I interviewed at the WTC after the first attack in basement with a van bomb, I had to navigate through 22 checkpoints in the building alone to get to the floor that I was going to interview on. They had theatre roping and guests all had to go through the maze while others had zero checkpoints to go through all controlled by Bush's family which has always been in the hands of the Saudis. Everything was an attack on WCCP.