cnn farting around pumping up usaid expeditures with a former master of abuse β all those trannie trannie trannie cuts is from left field
newsflash to dumbfuck idiots on cnn β everyone is fact checking and looking live at the monies spent. you guys are moar than FUCKED
wut habbens when the fed bed bois becomes MAGA FED FORCE
trannie melt down over trannie trannie trannie funding
pro tip: stalk and raid the coven house strip VIRGIN OR VIRGINS and burn it down like a liberal arsonist feeling all DOGE'D UP
wonder how many of those usaid lovelies have ever paid taxes?
those orgies with everyone in zeus white β will save democracy
roh ruh
heavenly trips vs dei pip
your corn better produce some good popcorn. otherwise, you will go down in flames alongside the ole sssisisiscariot
k mndcbeevis - wa akshually rffering to unelected officials funded like journalists with taxpayer funds pushing train trainee trannie
and pay for all maddcow and cohorts $30MILLION A YEAR for their fact checking
β¦and flick; no sauce.
it's how grassley got trans handled today
cue rumsfeld sream
make the five moar efficient
no, that's that prick currently in office - the dude who stole trillions an then had ice cream the next day - 9-11
whoops - sorry was thinking of the press secretary pentagon dude during biden
he ackshually opened Guantanamo β through usaid
clear skies tarmac open field call your pattern E - anon will light up the entry
array β full DECLAS
SEQUEANCE β final count down
bring about and choose your field
checked all clear β come skies landing solid
looking lean and mean
full authority - make the CALL
code master also activated key stroke
us aid
tin can tin roof tear it open its a can of worms and no fruit
wut does anon do with serious decals intent?