There are also grey clones that do the abductions. Not sure if they take the physical body or only the astral body. Somehow they knock the breath out of the body and raise the targets vibratory rate. Then some kind of vacuum of the body consciousness occurs to transport to the grey ship which seems to cycle several thousands of feet above earth.
There is a relationship to the “vacuum” process and cessation of breathing.
The body/ consciousness then finds itself on the ship. Most the greys are alike. Their movement is like a mechanical cartoon report. Like insect soldiers. There is a hive mentality. They communicate telepathically.
The leader is taller then the rest. Does not seem clone like. Seems to have independent thought which the others do not.
They use holographic “movies” to illustrate large concepts which may also be propaganda fear porn. This is what can cause fear in the target abductee is prone to fear in strange situations.
When the consciousness / body is returned to earth plane reality there is a sense of time loss and disorientation. The physical body may feel a buzzy vibratory sensation for a few minutes after returning to earth plane reality.