…bread hog, while VD jerks his 1 inch cock.
…Same goddamn beep boop posting.
>fc05a7 VD
…Still stuck on stupid.
…Peak mental laziness though copypasta sperging. brilliant fucking plan. /s
>9bea08 VD
…Predictable turd.
…You are the most ineffectual, fry fuckin' brained 'anon', to plague the board. You have to be VERY pathetic, to copypasta over & over. You keep losing. No matter, you lose. Accept it.
…Keep on losing, You're on a wonderful streak.
…You aren't livid, enough. So, what did the priest do to you, in the rectory?
…Fuckin' idiot. Can't decode for shit, anyway.
>bd5f9e VD
…Your shit is still stale.
Only an absolute pathetic excuse of a 'human being' would dedicate hours upon hours of spamsperging and IP hopping.
…Eliminate all death taxes. Please.
…Taxed on purchases already, and 'government' wants to take more when you pass, on item s already taxed? Fuck that!
…Back to the spam tantrum? Boring.