already had schizo "Q follower" cut off brother's head with a sword several years ago.
We're still here.
already had schizo "Q follower" cut off brother's head with a sword several years ago.
We're still here.
Sommer, Will
can't say "I will kill you."
nothing personal.
>Anons have to admit, Q fucked with your heads. Big time.
because Trump lost the election, has no popular support and no cabinet member approvals?
mebbe we need a box for you….who did you say you are again?
worse, all the ELECTIONS worldwide are rigged
The reformers cannot start there
but eventually they will have to clean it out or else we'll never have good govt long term
live in boat on the Atlantic?
cracking me up, anon.
give it time, it will take years
what are you talking about, suicide?
Outer stuff can change, friend, but attitude is up to the individual.
anons, it has already taken many years to get to this point.
we cannot follow blindly whether it's Q or Trump
in the end, these leaders are there as examples for us to follow
if you want to win, you must cultivate patience
for that, gotta look within and deal with the stuff that's driving you crazy, which is not really in the outer world it's inside
i am not young and it took a long time to learn this but believe me, it's worth learning
Be well and stay strong, friend.