Breaking balls in this thread too.
To what end? Just derision? Is there a specific target? Slide?
What's really bugging you?
Breaking balls in this thread too.
To what end? Just derision? Is there a specific target? Slide?
What's really bugging you?
They'll just delete this one too.
It's the same as asking where the "good" cops are while you watch as scores of bad ones consistently get away with literal murder along with so much else.
Wasn't deflecting. Simply comparing it to a similar situation in the F/LEO side of things.
The blue wall of silence makes any and all "good" cops complicit at minimum.
Sounds similar to the situation being presented in the meme doesn't it? Large group of people overrepresented in organized crime and grift being protected by people of the same religious name / ethnicity / job.
All a gigantic racket. But it's just a coincidence and you're not supposed to talk about it.
Reaction? Can we vote for him the way illegals and dead people voted for democrats during the election?
Ya don't have to keep selling us. We already voted for the Don.
Pro-life states need to pass laws that prohibit abortionists from relocating to, or owning property in them.
Would seem to be a win-win. Stop allowing those who destroyed their own states to move into others.
Disagree heavily.
All should be allowed to travel, not all should be allowed to relocate.
Would you want a convicted murderer living next door to (you)? It's enough that it's illegal for them to murder you right? The fact that they've killed multiple people previously isn't a big deal right?
Or is it about protecting better cultures from worse ones?
What's the difference between the US and Mexico? Culture.
Don't let the leftists infect additional areas of the country.
Seconded. Pay for the federal government off the backs of others. Not the citizenry.
Exactly this.
Is there a reason we're not seeing widespread business owner detention and trials?
Why do the bad actors ALWAYS get away with their ill gotten gains? Why are the wealthy ALWAYS protected and insulated from the consequences of breaking our laws?
When will those who facilitated all these illegals being in the country face trial?
Guess this is all just anons hating the bourgeoisie too eh?
Universally disliked. Everyone is sick of the wealthy flaunting our laws.