Anonymous ID: 2cf5d3 Feb. 7, 2025, 8:58 p.m. No.22536947   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6948 >>6954

The QResearch Cannabis Project


It is the intention of the QResearch Cannabis Project to promote Cannabis as a Cottage Only Industry or as close to a Cottage Only Industry as possible while still supplying the needs of the public.



The Merits of Cannabis are beyond dispute and can no longer be hidden by Big Pharma, Big Prison, Big Chemical, Big Alcohol nor anyone else for that matter.

Detractors are invited to EDUCATE themselves and stop believing the lies which are still to this day being peddled by charlatans who call themselves Investigative Journalists and many others with Vested interests in the continued suppression of Cannabis.

A small PRIMER on Cannabis in the form of a page of research links will be provided and everyone is encouraged to do their own research as opposed to depending on even the current "best" Mainstream Media for honest advice on Cannabis.



A Cannabis Cottage Industry would spawn many 1000's of homesteads and small farms and reinvigorate the often struggling existing smaller farms and homesteads.

Cannabis is a hardy and versatile crop with strains suited for a wide range of climates nearly guaranteeing Income from even a modest harvest which would hedge against bad years where drought and other reasons for crop failure may occur for crops that are less resistant.

Even the worst Cannabis grown by a novice could be used in the industry because of the need for various compounds such as THC and CBD which can be safely extracted from Cannabis regardless of the overall quality of the Crop.



The following is a list of Needs to move this project forward and some Idea's based upon many lifetimes of observation by those who were always right about Cannabis yet were treated like Criminals or worse.


1: The Federal Rescheduling of Cannabis for the benefit of not only this Industry but to further the research and development of the science of Cannabis as Medicine and perhaps much more.

2: A National Wholesale structure that all Farmers and Growers can easily access and participate in regardless of the size and scope of their growing operation.

A National Wholesale System which facilitate the Cheap and easy yet accurate testing, grading, transport, sale and payment of all Cannabis submitted to the national wholesale system with little to no fee's subsidized by the U.S. government until the system becomes self sufficient.

3: A National Farmer/Grower Exemption making the Growing of Cannabis for the National Wholesale system Legal in all U.S. States based upon the Logic that no State currently has the Right to suddenly make the growing of Corn or Soybean Illegal so why should States be allowed to restrict the Growing of Cannabis for the National Market? States are currently free to restrict the sale and consumption among their citizens and even this is seen as a Crime by many of their own citizens.

4: Restrictions and Tariffs on all Imported Cannabis depending on how well the Domestic market is being served. Domestic Cannabis should always be the first choice for Domestic producers and distributors of Cannabis Products.

5: Instruct all applicable branches of Government to in no way hinder and to eagerly assist in the facilitation of this Industry by providing Agriculture Grants to low and medium income Citizens.

6: Make these Farm grants available to All U.S. citizens with few exceptions as the writer can think of little reason to exempt any citizen from this process especially considering what we are now learning concerning USAID and other unsavory institutions. While those institutions served to hold U.S. citizens down the Cannabis Industry can be used to help American's rise back up again and to help Leave no Citizen behind.

7: Prepare the U.S. Government to receive and wisely spend the Consumption Tax Windfall that Cannabis has already proven to be in every state so far willing to Legalize and regulate the sale and consumption of Cannabis.

8: Force the wealthiest industries which most heavily participated in the suppression of Cannabis to reimburse the U.S. Government and thereby pay for and foster the well being of this Cottage Industry.

Anonymous ID: 2cf5d3 Feb. 7, 2025, 8:59 p.m. No.22536948   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6950



The Cannabis Cottage Industry would help reverse the many years of BIG FARM buying out their less fortunate smaller neighbor often times due to financial hardships brought about by overburdensome regulations which were in many cases prompted and paid for by BIG FARM, BIG WHOLESALE and BIG RETAIL.

Implement and Facilitate a true revolution in resilient American families participating in farming and agriculture along with the amazing advancements in technology that we are currently embracing and about to embark upon.


Cannabis is like the Truth.

Once it takes root there will be no need for government subsidies or other assistance as it will be the Consumption Tax on Cannabis Sales doing the Helping to pay for anything that WE THE PEOPLE might need and this is being witnessed in every state that has legalized cannabis to date.

The Debate and the false Debate concerning Cannabis is over.

It is time to do the right thing of, for and by WE THE PEOPLE.



Anonymous ID: 2cf5d3 Feb. 7, 2025, 8:59 p.m. No.22536950   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The QResearch Cannabis Project


A good, bad and ugly list of links to help novices learn more about Cannabis in no particular order:


A small collection on CBD: What is the Endocannabinoid System?


An easy Prediction: CBD or a derivative will one day be seen as a Vitamin as those who denied the emerging Science will be seen as uneducated, biased or even criminal depending on their involvement in the Suppression of Cannabis Medicine.