Anonymous ID: 9f0071 July 23, 2018, 1:09 p.m. No.2253978   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4020

>>2252854 (pb)

>>2252874 (pb)

>>2252896 (pb)

>>2252961 (pb)


>>2252309 Latest CDAN post (controversial) [previous Notable]

Julian Assange is a political activist, whistleblower and political prisoner, not a celebrity.

Pam Anderson is the celebrity refereed to in the blind item. It even says the celebrity was in L.A. last weekend - so that's not Julian Assange. Read moar careful. It was confusingly worded, maybe deliberately?

Pamala was the honeypot poisoner, not the poisoned. Refresh your familiarity around the timeline of when Wikileaks went dark and Assange disappeared.

He may in fact been poisoned [and has been dead all this time as many have speculated] and whoever appears as "Assange" could be a double? Hoping that is not true. Hoping he is alive.

Anonymous ID: 9f0071 July 23, 2018, 1:16 p.m. No.2254065   🗄️.is 🔗kun


New York Times flat out lied today on their front page; Announced that the release of the FISA redacted did not support Nunes Memo of February. Basically called President Trump a liar for claiming victory. It's stunning. As long as you don't actuyally read the material, you could believe their libel.

Anonymous ID: 9f0071 July 23, 2018, 1:42 p.m. No.2254347   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4437



If I recall correctly it goes like this:

after summit Uran One gets revealed

First doc released

Second more authentic version released

[more than one version, often]

then 3rd step declassified.

I'm probably way off, but it's said to go in some number of steps. President Trump is dragging it out. We're poised at the brink of unredact FISA application. Could it be that once the criminality is undeniably exposed that the releases will then come at a faster pace?

I'm not sure how the disappearing breads matter since German Anon has been saving them? Perhaps it's another strategy by the large Crime faimly to attempt to throw us off balance? Or maybe the shill who didn't get her way?They are all Likely betting/still hoping to kill the President as they have hinted and planned; since that is their only out now that it appears unlikely they can take the Congress sufficiently at mid-terms to do an impeachment.

Wonder what New York Times will do when *that message gets out there? - that they have desperately plotted to kill POTUS ? How will they explain that? Readership must be really dying. Sinking ships out there. "Watch the Water?"

Anonymous ID: 9f0071 July 23, 2018, 2:05 p.m. No.2254567   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I forgot to mention we were told they were waiting for the OIG report on Clinton to be finished since when the EO is enforced they want it to be for everything and not have to do it twice. We were told about two weeks ago, before July 4th, that they had obtained the server - I'm assuming that means one which can be legally use for prosecution - So maybe the -23 was a countdown from July 4th? Gives them time to get the paperwork done on Clinton since they have some hundreds working on it? Just speculation. Full Eclipse of the Moon is at the Full Moon Friday. They might wait until a few days after that? The 23 days is around then? Who knows. They have to get everything in place first. Funny none of these assholes knew what was coming. Proves it by NY Times and everyone else still in denial even after Clapper claimed it was Obama behind the Russia Investigation. What would be the basis, in that case? We're not seeing the true public reaction when we look through the fog of massive shilling and massive Trump-hater Propaganda?