deepstate already downing planes and blowing up tesla,,,shits gonna get crazy,,doge team in danger,,any large gathering is dangerous,,,and iran threatening trump stinks of clinton and deepstate
online voting got hacked,,paper trail with i.d is only way,,,maybe use a.i to check every voter is alive etc
very funny kek,,,or your names hillary
sounds good,,but voting machines where hacked when trump lost elections.
why do you think deepstate wouldnt hack issues,,like dei ,,they already hacked dominion voting machines
well hope so,,but deepstate exist in europe,uk,canada etc they will try
his wife would notice and kids,,but they will try to take him out and blame iran or russia,russia,russia
no way would trumps body double would have same size penis,,his wife would know,,,,fake story,,,wake the fuck up
fuck off you cannot even form a correct english sentence,,foreign shill
she is perfect,,anon would marry her
show me mummy please
morning name fag