baker wars are super ghey. the board continues.
its the fucking nukes ryhmez with japs
that fucking clock kek.
that van is heavy as fuck & shitty brakes.
19 days muhbe 20 days in Kash on the 2 moar week cycle. Kennedy kid being misquoted. FUACI pardon buried in plane crashes.
fake.melanei is dissapoint
they know we know they know the regular surface walkers are kinda spooked.
3:22 in the morning
bacon,eggs,ham,white toast,covfefe,side of 5 bacon strips.
her mom's hotter
that's a private movie uniform
Durty Nelly's
comp'd baker dunno weather to lock it, bake a new one or call Karen.
an American President unified Quebec & canuckistan under 1 flag.
PROTOCAL says this is very unusual