MelonieMac jumps onboard the "EvErYbOdY iS a PeDoPhILe!!" train and she gets spammed constantly. The best of people pushing that are people bitter about being incels in highschool. Or women way past their prime trying to shame more men into dating them. I have seen zero exceptions to these two rules. Except for actual shills trying convince people they should focus on hating normal human behavior (sodomy excluded) so the actual pedophiles scurry away while everyone is busy. The second post by the guy you're deliberately taking out of context, he's quoting the other guy and citing his hypocrisy. The first post is just stating facts. There are people having sex at that age today, public school is proof of that. Nothing has really changed except they aren't married and people like to pretend that everyone is just a communist cog that matures at exactly the same age.
How does that have any relevance to my post?