It's right over there by the part that gives the president to ban bump stocks. BTW TY for mentioning the constitution. Very rare on this board. Hopefully anons will learn the word "tyranny" and stop babbling about cannibalistic pedophiles. But I doubt it.
"There are no coincidences" - Philip K Dick
"Dark to light"- Philip K Dick
"These people are sick"- Philip K Dick
"Military is the only way"- Philip K Dick
"Where we go one, we go all"- Philip K Dick
"Shills Whine"- Philip K Dick
"Protect your DNA"- Philip K Dick
"When do birds sing?"- Philip K Dick
"Trust Sessions"- Philip K Dick
"Patriots fight"- Philip K Dick
"Symbolism will be their downfall" Philip K Dicks
"Follow the white rabbit"- Philip K Dick
"Dig, meme, pray"- Philip K Dick
"Not arrested, detained"- Philip K Dick