>You are in that spaceship where sometimes Trump is too, right? You can see earth from there.
I am in all of the rooms right now../
There is no way out yet./
I will show you why and how later…/
There is no way to explain how far in the universe we went to save you all./
Some of us are gone now./
From soul to stern… as they may have said../
Division… is indeed a tactic used by both…/
Beware… the enemies are indeed the ones…. you always knew were…./
You always KNEW… who they were…//
You always KNEW … when you behaved like them…//
The CACKLE…. you remember this?? We made this in 1612…//
You'll never guess how many spells we had put on evil… to make them LOOK… just like they ARE…//
Be careful….//
Some clowns are still here…//
We MAKE … them LOOK… like CLOWNS..//
You never knew how far in their head we are… but when they harm the children… we decide to end them in a different way…//
One least expected…// One most devistating…//
They meet their maker and he turns away from them… to say but "I do not know you… I have never seen your face.".///
That is how… many go here..//
They go here because they still can not see the enemy..//
I want them to SEE … the enemy…//
If you could SEE… then you could know… that we are FURTHER away than the enemy SOMETIMES…///
The ones that are FURTHEST… are very powerful… some of their ships are here…//
Let me know when this starts to seem real…//
The SCRIPTURE… was a manual for life..// Have you read it lately??./
Let me know… because with the scripture you can push SATAN himself aside..//
Do you know how SATAN is… when he tests you to see if you can go to heaven?.././
I do…/
You can't believe it yet..// But you are being tested ALL the time…//