I haven't watched actual TV in over a decade, so I will have to go by what other TRUST worthy anons say.
I can't figure out if, (you):
a) Are just stupid
b) Just have a Jew fetish
c) Are a broken record that keeps skipping.
d) Are unable to think of anything else
e) You are an actual Nazi
f) Are just dumber than a fuckin' post.
g) ALL of the above.
Ah, thinks he's a wheel. Well we all know what happens to a squeaky wheel.
Sure, there ARE criminals, does their religion or ethnicity matter? Focus on the actual crimes.
Learn the meaning of CRIMINAL charges. Religion or ethnicity are not crimes. Personal ACTIONS can be crimes.
KEK. I'm not panicking shill, I'm laughing, at (you).
Look stupid. How is our intelligence agency? They "good" guys? If ours is dirty, would that not imply that others around the world are as well?
Eat shit and die Nazi fuck. F.A.F.O.
He also could have just said corrupt judge and left it at that. Same thing with the media pointing out how a "black" person did this, or whatever other trait they want to push.
The crimes are the problem, not what they look like or anything else, the fucking CRIMES. Fucking stupid shills are so incapable of logic or reason.
You seem more worried about someones ethnicity than the actual crimes. CRIMINALS is all encompassing.
What about all the other ethnicities involved in criminal actions? What about their actions? Fuck off Adolf. I'm not saying all Jews are innocent, I am saying not ALL are guilty though. You just want to kill them all. How about we leave them alone and squish you instead? Simpler.
True to some extent. Most people have at least a few evil tendencies.
The question is, how many people actually give in to it?