trump needs to get the fuck away from ukraine,,,it was c.i.a that started that shit,,ukraine is really half russian,,,facts and truth
putin is a fucking hero he has been taking on the deepstate for years,hillary cuntface russia russia,
piers morgan is c.i.a asset,,,he was anti trump,,,but sinc tucker interview,,,he supports trump
i dont trust idf or hamas,both snakes,,
should be me,,most compromised here in u.k,,its a shitshow
g.c.h.q is still fucked,,hope trump is aware of this
a small drink once a month ok,something like bleach,,,covid trump remember
deepstate still in control of half the world,,this is the 1st round,.we just got hit hard when doge got stopped
anons are forgetting usaid exists in canada,france,uk,germany etc just diff name,,many headed snake
trudeau and macron meeting was deepstate funding meeting,,wake the fuck up anons
this is painfull watching this shitshow,they are worldwide,,,trump needs to get tuff,not fuck about