Maxine Waters [protest outside CFPB]: One of the greatest achievements of my career has been the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
[not a surprise; corrupt congresswoman, corrupt agency]
Maxine Waters [protest outside CFPB]: One of the greatest achievements of my career has been the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
[not a surprise; corrupt congresswoman, corrupt agency]
Ayanna Pressley: [protest outside CFPB]: I'm having a hard tome sleeping at night.
[Pressley knows she is in serious legal jeopardy]
Ayanna Pressley: We are going to litigate, legislate, agitate, and resist, because you are worth it. We will see you in congress, in the courts, and in the streets.
[and we will see you, Pressley, in cuffs, in court, and in federal prison]
Joyce Beatty [protest outside CFPB]: Donald Trump…you don't have power, but we have people power, and we're coming after you.
Numerous democrats at the protest outside the CFPB have agreed to withhold their vote until the 'constitutional crisis is over'. kek
President Trump [Fox interview]: Canada has a very big car industry. They stole it from us. They stole it because our people were asleep at the wheel. So what happens is, Canada is gonna have; if we don't make a deal with Canada, we're going to put a big tariff on cars, could be at fifty or a hundred percent, because we don't want their cars. We want to make the cars in Detroit.
President Trump: Everyone thinks Israel, with our help, or our approval, will go in and bomb the hell our of them. I would prefer that not happen. I'd much rather see a deal with Iran where we can do a deal, supervise, check it, inspect it, and then blow it up, or just make sure that there's no more nuclear there.
Baier: A better deal than the Obama nuclear deal?
President Trump: That was the dumbest deal; by the way, that would have expired by now. That was a road to a nuclear weapon.