Anonymous ID: 1836f8 Feb. 10, 2025, 2:01 p.m. No.22555263   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5411

Maxine Waters [protest outside CFPB]: One of the greatest achievements of my career has been the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

[not a surprise; corrupt congresswoman, corrupt agency]

Anonymous ID: 1836f8 Feb. 10, 2025, 2:04 p.m. No.22555299   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ayanna Pressley: [protest outside CFPB]: I'm having a hard tome sleeping at night.

[Pressley knows she is in serious legal jeopardy]

Anonymous ID: 1836f8 Feb. 10, 2025, 2:12 p.m. No.22555352   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5376

Ayanna Pressley: We are going to litigate, legislate, agitate, and resist, because you are worth it. We will see you in congress, in the courts, and in the streets.

[and we will see you, Pressley, in cuffs, in court, and in federal prison]

Anonymous ID: 1836f8 Feb. 10, 2025, 2:27 p.m. No.22555455   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Joyce Beatty [protest outside CFPB]: Donald Trump…you don't have power, but we have people power, and we're coming after you.

Anonymous ID: 1836f8 Feb. 10, 2025, 2:57 p.m. No.22555643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5654

Numerous democrats at the protest outside the CFPB have agreed to withhold their vote until the 'constitutional crisis is over'. kek

Anonymous ID: 1836f8 Feb. 10, 2025, 3:17 p.m. No.22555703   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5721

President Trump [Fox interview]: Canada has a very big car industry. They stole it from us. They stole it because our people were asleep at the wheel. So what happens is, Canada is gonna have; if we don't make a deal with Canada, we're going to put a big tariff on cars, could be at fifty or a hundred percent, because we don't want their cars. We want to make the cars in Detroit.

Anonymous ID: 1836f8 Feb. 10, 2025, 3:32 p.m. No.22555794   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5840

President Trump: Everyone thinks Israel, with our help, or our approval, will go in and bomb the hell our of them. I would prefer that not happen. I'd much rather see a deal with Iran where we can do a deal, supervise, check it, inspect it, and then blow it up, or just make sure that there's no more nuclear there.

Baier: A better deal than the Obama nuclear deal?

President Trump: That was the dumbest deal; by the way, that would have expired by now. That was a road to a nuclear weapon.