Christian Holmes, the father of Elizabeth Holmes of Theranos, was an Enron executive and the Deputy Assistant Administrator inUSAID’s Bureau for Economic Growth, Education and Environment.
(14/29) Krainer digs into the absurdity of the connection between Holmes and her board members and investors, highlighting clues as to the real story not offered by the mainstream narrative. Perhaps chief amongst those clues being her father’s prominent role in government and military circles.
A transcription of what Krainer says in this clip:
“How did Holmes manage to get that meeting with Don Lucas senior? How did she meet Henry Kissinger, George Shultz, Rupert Murdoch, Mad Dog Mattis, and all the other power players? To get closer to the truth, let us first look at her background and the path that led her to launch Theranos. Elizabeth Holmes was born in Washington, D.C. 1984. She came from a relatively wealthy and well connected family. Her father, Christian Rasmus Holmes IV, had a long distinguished career mostly as a government bureaucrat but also in private enterprise.
“Here's a list of his professional positions. Second Lieutenant, Civil Affairs, U.S. Army Reserve Vice President for Tenneco Energy, Chief Financial Officer and Third Ranking Executive at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Director of U.S. Trade and Development Agency, Senior Vice President, Program Development at the Global Environment and Technology Foundation, Vice President for Strategic Conservation Initiatives at the World Wildlife Fund Chief Operating Officer at the Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance Member of the Market Advisory Board of Ze-gen Inc. Christian Rasmus Holmes IV was also Vice President at Enron, which became the largest US fraud case before his daughter snatched that distinction for Theranos.”
You have been lied to about the Elizabeth Holmes/Theranos story. Theranos was a failed Deep State play to get a blood-testing scam in place for diseases like COVID.
Holmes was a patsy. She took the fall for the real players. A 🧵 of the evidence proving these claims (1/29)