>anyone saying jumping timelines is just buildiing the matrix
>Time travel is a Biblical concept. Like it or not.
>could be too much 5G! kek
it's the Mengele Effect, dawg
>anyone saying jumping timelines is just buildiing the matrix
>Time travel is a Biblical concept. Like it or not.
>could be too much 5G! kek
it's the Mengele Effect, dawg
>MSM screeching like Mockingbirds when deepstate is being exposed and dismantled tells you everything you need to know.
I'M not the one who needs a fucking CLUE
maybe YOU are
MILLIONS of normies out there swallow EVERY LIE coming out of their assbreath faces
>national day of ~~protest~~ INSURRECTION
arrest them all and put them in solitary confinement 23hr/d for four years while awaiting trial
don't forget the daily beatings by guards
there are DOZENS of books that were removed from the bible
the ones that were kept were redacted, edited, and rewritten by the despot du jour
come back when you've spent A LIFETIME doing biblical archeology research
>4 fabrics to avoid
pseudoscientific fear pron
>made from highly toxic chemical
table salt, sodium chloride, is made from a metal the bursts into flame on contact with air and explodes on contact with water, and a poisonous caustic gas that causes severe burns to lung tissue at concentrations in air of a few parts per thousand
so you think you'll be ok if you wear cotton and wool only
then wash them in detergents that are loaded with UV dyes, perfumes, bleaches, and a long list of ingredients that have NOTHING to do with washing out dirt
that's a special kind of stupid…
what a twat
before FDR, only 6% of black children were raised by single mothers
>you're well over 100 posts
WTH actual difference does it make?
without those posts, this bread would last 12 hrs
are YOU gonna stay in the kitchen that long?
you expect bakers to stay in the kitchen that long?
either way, notables end up in notables
so at this point WTF actual difference does it make?
>Pretty nice for nearly 40!
WAY too much war paint
psychotic mix of narcissism and insecurity
extreme high maintenance
>women are stupid and she thinks shes smart
they try to ACT smart
because deep down they're insecure about their intelligence/education
>They baited the waters
>look at IQ data
>Women group around 100, dead average
the stanford-binet !Q test was totally revamped in the mid 60s bcs white males obliterated blacks and females
they analyzed the tests to find which questions bimbos and blacks consistently got wrong
and simply removed all of those questions
replaced them with slow-pitch-over-the-plate questions
now wimmings an' darkies is smart like us
>you cant lock a bread early according to this moron
that's not what i said, assbreath
take the dick outta your mouth instead of trying to put your words in mine
>If there were more softballs then wouldnt whitey male do even better?
that does NOT contradict males and female doing equally well
YOU are the one that is logically challenged
TOGTFO, karen
>Muh IQ is… mantra of conformist badge wearers
funny how IQ correlates so well with real world accomplishments…
must be a coinkidink