Q said something about patriots pointing at something and they'd be all like yo ok we'll follow you fags there no prob.
He ready said it.
The first step would ne to have some patriots.
It looks like moar than 1 since they did use the plural form.
The second step might be a little harder since pointing is involved.
I guess the patriots would need to take out ads pointing to a new board.
Is you saying I need to check Muh Bloatables to get a qrd around here these days?
I'm already sold as is you don't need to be putting any sprinkles on top like that.
Discernment says that's Ron's new chan.
But, I could be basing it too much on schizo chat I see here.
Both Ron and 8bit have the kinda Q cred others can only dream about.
That means something to oldfags.
Most of which are no longer here and busy famefagging over on X these days.
But, still, they got the biggest Q-Yous of all.
>t. FJ has Q cred too but since Q was rapping his knuckles it doesn't rank as high.
I just seen't where Brad Pitt image searches just spiked bigly.
It doesn't work that way.
Q told patriots to point.
Looks like some are doing so now.
cuepee I can't even come up with one good reason why this board still exists