Sky News UK obsessing over Trump.
Random federal judges in blue states have no authority over who the President may talk to or what data he can accessPB
Then go through all cases they've presided over and look for political bias in sentencing. You will find it. I heard a judge mitigating for a rapist. This ends now.
Welcome to the last 18 months.
QR still operates hidden under a layer of shit.
BO is aware.
Three fakey bakers who drop in and out.
This is what all government issued credit cards should look like with $250 limit.
To a point. vati and other shills aren't the only posts getting deleted. I called out NASA baker and got wiped.
Stop speaking for me french man
>BO - where is the proof you even like Q drops?
Keks like a 5 year old
Do you like Q drops
Did you hear that stumble bum trying to articulate a sentence? Nothing to worry about with AS, just his money.
Hand off or better still don't bake if your a flake.
TOR postwatch for deletion
If your reading this Alex, next time your missing Huma, get a grubby garbage sack, fill it with sticks and coat hangers. Put a wig on it. You won't be able to tell the difference.
IQ test was created to marginalize intelligence.
Here's the skinny on Alex. He is ineffectual and George knows this. George also knows his time is short, que Huma who has been positioned to control Alex after Georgeโฆ passes.
Muh IQ isโฆ mantra of conformist badge wearers.
Go and listen to any interview with AS and you'll see a stuttering oaf. If he has a demon they're not sending their best.
BO needs to put filter button here.