ty for this bread…
costco & trader joes setting purchase limits for eggs
restaurant owners, that will destroy them, no eggs
FBI leakers … rat bastards
is peru on our side?
is POTUS overseeing the bankruptcy and liquidation of the corporation of the united states?
they were burning down chicken farms… not everyone can raise chickens with city restrictions… not everyone can move to the country, you are very lucky
if this is all an electrical simulation, then the end of the Department of Education, could have a double meaning…
maybe humanity will not need to be "tested" by the fallen ones before getting to be around their heavenly Father, i dont think endless looping demoralizing tests were part of His Plan but i could see it being a big part of a jealous false god's agenda "youre not good enough, youll never be good enough"
ushering in the Golden Age of the Republic
Musk was brought in to dismantle and auction the corporation off piece by piece
i love it when a Plan come together
well the simulation veils the true Creation all around us, its like a spell been cast over humanity
shut up karen
i have to go to bed soon tho
i need a nice long break from these woke zombie trash that ive had to watch the last four years multiply and ruin everything they touch, including themselves, such a waste
the mass gender mutilation, castration of the children was the biggest abomination ever in the history of the Western World aside alongside abortion
they should be hiding in a hole in shame not ever come out in public or leave our country
the gog and the magog? you want them here? youre a fool, the bible is a code and it has failsafes and every time that stoopid slash says we just jumped timelines shows his ignorance as you can only pull out a rubberband so far before it snaps back
the Truth always wins no matter what the serpentine lies swirling around it try to smother it, they actually protecting the Truth from us, they dont think we are worthy and thats the Truth
golden apples
slays the serpent guarding the golden apples
satan doesnt even like those that serve it, the only power they have is what they think they have, satan convinced our ancestors to throw away eden, for a trash infested, concrete parking lot
anyone who funds this false god, or kills in his name is a fool and to be pitied for his stoopidity
blah blah blah sick of satanists theyre such a cliche with their stupid garish clothes, too much makeup, plastic parts in their body, nasty lifestyle
theres only one timeline that prevails, Truth
anyone saying jumping timelines is just buildiing the matrix
solomon has nothing to do with this clown act
these are just trashy people who dont want to work they want others to work, they convince others to work for them and give them their money their children, their life force
tale as old as tyme
satanists are just trashy people who dont like anything to follow Gods natural order
thats it
in a nutshell
theyre just trash, they need flushing
i think the biggest problem facing POTUS and DODGE and the military is the nasty propaganda that has been fed to the people by satanists for decades now
they actually worship criminals, thieves, murderers, they have been brainwashed to reject following laws … no matter how much Musk shows these people the corruption and graft, they will have a hard time disengaging from their mental indoctrination to worship bad
its awful, the mind is terrible thing to waste
we dont see satan or the satanists, we just see the puppets and actually a lot are actors playing the puppets for our debrainwashing session
what we need is a biblical intervention
the people are afflicted with Stockholm Syndrome
the reason everyone calls for arrests, hangings etc is because we are conditioned to wanting violence for so long now, no one barely remembers peaceful times where everyone wasnt greedy, violent, self centered
arrests and hangings will satiate the stockholm victims and then what, where are we after thats done?
we need Heaven here on Earth is what we need, and i do believe thats happening
we cannot defeat an enemy like a fallen angel without a biblical intervention, im sorry
i believe truly that Q team's mission is to set the stage for a Heavenly intervention
Godspeed and goodnight