notable analysis of active judges
Justice Robert’s in a bind
Sean Davis
@seanmdav Random federal judges in blue state backwaters have no authority to unilaterally dictate who the President may talk to or what data he can access. John Roberts and SCOTUS have two options here: they can bring these inferior malcontents to heel, or they can get used to the President simply ignoring these inferior courts or Congress eliminating them
entirely. Congress created these inferior courts so the Supreme Court wouldn't have to deal with every federal case by itself. But if these rogue inferior judges are going to routinely issue lawless decisions that the Supreme Court has to deal with anyway, Congress would be well within its rights
to just eliminate them. Roberts and SCOTUS can immediately put these lawless judges in their place, or Roberts can watch his caseload go up 1000x and his court's
precious perceived legitimacy crater overnight.
The age of tolerating this nonsense is over.