Q did warn us about Paytriots and there have been plenty who had paid for being paytriots.
The Watkins know this and have had to dance a fine line, a struggle, with how to keep 8chan/8kun going. Don't forget all the personal issues related to this internet site. Takes money to fund things and it has been hard to balance it when told be some mysterious figure to not be a Paytriot and to be careful of them.
Ron exploring blockchain technology and ecoins using the infamous 8chan brand that was knocked offline for a false flag attack that was livestreamed on facebook or a manifesto for a world of crazy medications & manipulation that knocked off 8chan, a money making machine back in the day to them focusing on Free Speech board during an era of heavy censorship
It is a bet on the technology, not a paytriot move imho
They are favored, Ron could drive around watching porn on his Skyline dash monitor and still be in good graces but look at how far we've all grown and changed. Staying humble about those that did not get to turn the next page.